Right now, there are 110,000 children in America needing to be adopted into a forever home. Many waiting years. Many will never have a home to call their own. In addition, there are approximately 500,000 children in the foster care system needing a temporary home.

The need is vast. The need is urgent. These children need loving, giving homes no matter how long or short their stay is. A foster home could be the only place they ever experience true unconditional love and learn what a family should be. That is a gift that can never be taken away. A gift forever etched on a child’s heart.

If you are reading this contemplating becoming a foster or adoptive parent, don’t let your worries & doubts get the best of you. If you are called to do this, just say "Yes!" and step out in faith. It is overwhelming how many things you can think of to discourage, distract, or prevent you from pursuing this journey… it’s not the right time, finances, the house isn’t big enough, I work too much, I don’t have ___. I challenge you to take one step and see where He takes you.

If not you, then who?

the nuttle family

So many kids never have the chance at an innocent childhood. They see things they shouldn’t, hear things they shouldn’t and experience things no child or adult should ever have to experience. When God put it on our hearts to become foster parents, we decided to be faithful to Him and obey. We had a million excuses as to why we shouldn’t do it, but the answer we heard back from Him was we were to be obedient on His time. We have prayed diligently over our marriage, our kids and for the kids God has placed and is going to place in our home in the future and while there have been bumps in the road and lessons learned, watching the baby steps of development with the beautiful kids in our care are worth every single bump.  

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the mcdaniel family

On Peter and Cindy’s first date, they discovered their mutual desire to adopt! God blessed them with Michael, who was born in 1997 and Ivy, who was born in 2000. Now they support foster families in our church community by providing respite care, babysitting and counseling.

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the grier family

To be transparent, fostering is hard. There is brokenness & heartbreak, but there is also beauty & healing. My heart is broken into several pieces, a piece gifted and belonging to each child we've had the honor of loving. That piece will forever be their own, their name forever written on my heart.  That being said, I don’t walk around with my heart shattered in relentless agony. I constantly give my broken, shattered, missing pieced heart to the only one who can make it whole– Jesus. Every tear, every disappointment, every wrong reunification, every egregious act done to a child. I give it to Him. I don’t need to carry that weight. He loves these beautiful children and their broken families even more than I do. The more I give to Him, the more I’m able to be His hands and feet in this broken world.

the Kudra family

The following is placeholder text known as “lorem ipsum,” which is scrambled Latin used by designers to mimic real copy. Mauris egestas at nibh nec finibus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.

the marques family

Cheri felt God’s heart for foster care and adoption from her early 20’s, but John wasn’t so sure. John thought, "If God wants us to do this, He has to tell me and change my heart!" 

One year after that conversation, on a Sunday that Cheri and kids were away visiting family, God did just that! Cheri and John are now finishing up classes and getting ready to open their home up to ‘Love on some kids’! “

the campbell family

The following is placeholder text known as “lorem ipsum,” which is scrambled Latin used by designers to mimic real copy. Mauris egestas at nibh nec finibus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos.